Craig’s interest in public policy and service began in grade school thanks to a class debate on presidential politics. Born into a Democrat family in Illinois, he was a union member and Teamster as a teen, however, became a motivated conservative thanks to Ronald Reagan. After college, Craig’s career took he and his wife, Cindy, to large urban areas before they determined they wanted to raise their family in a better environment. They chose west central Iowa where they raised their two children and have resided since 1991 near Manning. Craig’s career shifted to the seed industry and today he is an industry consultant with the time, passion, and energy to devote to elected office. Decades of volunteer service to the Republican Party locally and on the state level, two years in the Iowa Senate, as well as his personal convictions, have prepared him for this opportunity to be an effective voice for Iowa House District 11.
Treasurer: John Van Horn
Copyright 2021 – Williams for Iowa