Craig has spent a lifetime in business building a reputation as an ethical leader with conservative values. Click on any of the topics on the right to read more about his positions.
Iowa ended fiscal 2023 with a balance of $1.83 billion in the General Fund, $902 million in reserve funds and $2.74 billion in the Taxpayer Relief Fund. The excess funds represent fiscally responsible spending at the state level combined with overtaxing of citizens. With excess money at its disposal, there is no shortage of people finding ways to spend it. While in the Senate, I was proud to vote for the largest tax cuts in Iowa history.
Clearly, a state requires funds for roads, law enforcement, fire protection, and other essential services. All of the funds available for these activities come from the pockets of its citizens. It is important the legislature respects its role as good stewards of other peoples’ money.
As your State Representative, I will be a strong advocate for taxpayers and treat your hard-earned tax dollars as if they were my own.
I love my kids and my grandkids. They are gifts from God and thinking otherwise is quite foreign to me.
I am proudly pro-life and will fight to block government funding to abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.
As your State Representative, I will be a strong voice for those who have none.
My life is centered in agriculture.
I spend my days talking with growers, retailers, manufacturers, and ag marketers across the United States. I’ve been privileged to be part of strategies and introducing new products and helping bring new technologies to the world’s most noble profession.
It is universally accepted that the population is growing rapidly and along with it, the need to feed that growing population. That will not happen without a vibrant agricultural sector.
As your State Representative, I will fight hard for farmers and all sectors of agriculture from grain to livestock to poultry to renewable energy.
Iowa’s farmers feed and fuel the world. I will fight to ensure Iowa remains a world leader in agricultural production and has ready access to new and existing markets.
Liberals are waging a war to erode our Constitutionally protected freedoms and liberties while also using the courts to create rights not found in our Constitution.
The Founding Fathers had great vision to secure our God-given freedom and liberties in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. The Constitution lays the foundation for our representative republic which respects the basic liberties of all Americans based on separation of powers, checks and balances, and the Rule of Law.
I will fight hard to protect your Constitutional liberties including your religious liberty, the freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms.
My wife’s parents were married in 1958 and remained married their entire lives. My parents were married in 1959 and remain married 65 years later. My wife and I were married in 1985. We owe a great deal to our parents who knew that raising a family didn’t take a village; it took a committed mother and a committed father.
I will fight to protect real, tangible family values and pray for the restoration of faith, family, and community.
Burdensome regulations hurt businesses and stifle economic growth. Too often, legislatures delegate vast authority to agencies and bureaucracies to create rules that wield far too much influence over our daily lives.
The Constitution allows for three branches of government for checks and balances, but these bureaucracies create an unaccountable “fourth branch” of government in Washington and in Des Moines.
I will fight hard to hold government agencies accountable for every dollar spent and decisions made that impact your life.
Many people wrongly pit the environment and agriculture against each other. I know a great number of farmers who go to great lengths to be excellent stewards of their land and the environment. Most growers eagerly adopt better equipment, chemistries, and farming practices where practical and affordable.
Agriculture and a vibrant environmental policy are not mutually exclusive and can co-exist harmoniously.
As your State Representative, I will fight to protect our valuable environment and natural resources.
In 1991, my wife and I packed up and left Illinois in search of a better place to raise our two young children. We found it in Manning, Iowa, where we have lived ever since.
This area offers a tremendous quality of life, low cost of living, great neighbors, and good schools.
I want to work with our citizens and businesses to create opportunities for our district to grow and be a place that people want to live, work and raise their families. Good economic opportunity and safe neighborhoods are key to that goal.
I support policies enabling Iowa’s educational system to provide Iowans with the highest quality education anywhere—from kindergarten to college to workforce development.
Iowa has been a national leader in high quality education standards, high school graduation rates, and education spending.
The 2025 budget calls for more than $5 billion in education expenditure – 57% of Iowa’s entire budget.
As your State Representative, I will carefully look at the education budget every year to ensure we are good stewards of taxpayer dollars.
I support school choice to allow parents to make the best decision for their children’s education and future—whether public, private, or homeschooling.
I support vibrant and innovative approaches to workforce development training that allow individuals to enroll in vocational and technical schools and community colleges to fill immediate employment needs in our local communities.
I am living proof of the failure of Obamacare. For similar coverage to what I had just five years ago, the cost has tripled. TRIPLED! If that’s “Affordable Care,” I’d hate to see what they consider unaffordable.
The socialist mantra is, “Medicare for All.” Ultimately, Medicare for All will result in health care for none, controlled by people who do not have your best interests at heart. I absolutely oppose it.
Iowa spends $6 billion on Medicaid, covering about one in every 5 Iowans– about $8,600 per person per year. One only needs to walk into New Hope Village in Carroll to understand there are those who, through no fault of their own, are in need in our state. We owe it to our taxpayers and to those in need to ensure that every penny is spent wisely.
As your State Representative, I will engage with stakeholders—including patients, providers, facilities, and insurers—to ensure we’re developing sound, affordable, patient-centered, market-driven health care policy.
Furthermore, I will support policies to help attract, incentivize, and retain highly trained health care professionals to ensure our rural communities have ready access to high quality health care personnel, facilities, and services.
I am a concealed weapons permit holder and own multiple guns. But, honestly, I’m not a big gun guy. It’s just that every time the liberals go on the assault to take our rights away, I buy another one in their honor. Frankly, it’s getting rather expensive.
The Second Amendment provides a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms and it has nothing to do with hunting. No gun of mine has ever been used in a crime. God willing, no gun of mine will ever be used even in self-defense.
The First Amendment gives people the right to speak out for stricter gun laws but that doesn’t override our Second Amendment Rights to own them.
Rest assured that I will fight to protect your right to keep and bear arms. I will support policies to protect your right to purchase, carry, transport, collect, and use firearms for self-defense, hunting, recreation, and any other lawful purpose.
I will also support efforts to promote training and gun safety to ensure those that want to lawfully use firearms can do so safely and enjoyably.
I am not a veteran or a law enforcement official. But I am a strong supporter of, and have great respect for, both. I have many friends in law enforcement here in Iowa.
They protect our freedoms, communities, country, and the world through selfless sacrifice.
As your State Representative, I will fight to protect, support, and honor those who have served in uniform.
Our country was founded on a respect for the Rule of Law. The Rule of Law is the principle that we are a nation of laws—not men or women—and that the rules that apply to one should apply fairly and equally to all.
There are those who measure the success of a legislator on how many new laws they passed. For the most part, I believe we have plenty of laws and need to better support the enforcement of those laws or get them off the books if we’re not serious about them.
As your State Representative, I will fight to protect the Rule of Law.
An argument could be made that the esteemed Senator Charles Grassley is a good reason not to support term limits, but then you’d have to make the same case for Nancy Pelosi.
Public positions were not intended to be full-time occupations.
I support term limits for all three branches of government to promote greater accountability to the people.
Treasurer: John Van Horn
Copyright 2021 – Williams for Iowa